HR Consulting
Human resource (HR) consulting, also referred to as human capital advisory or HRM consulting, spans advisory and implementation activities related to the management of an organisation’s human capital and the HR function. The scope of services range from overarching work on human capital strategy, to the design and deployment of a compensation & benefits framework, down to the transformation of the HR function.
The market for human resource consulting services consists of eight main disciplines: Human Capital Strategy, Compensation & Benefits, Organisational Change, HR Function, Talent Management, HR Analytics, Learning & Development and HR Technology.
Human capital strategy includes a variety of strategic work in the HR domain, such as defining a corporate culture, organisational design, setting up a people strategy that supports key pillars in the business, as well as the design of HR-related strategies in the area of diversity, recruitment and talent management among others.
We are a highly knowledgeable and experienced Human Resources Team. With over 100 years of combined HR experience we have the depth and knowledge to help partner with your management team and employees as a resource. We have created HR departments in many organizations that are true strategic business partners.
Many small to mid-sized organizations typically have someone who is assigned certain HR tasks. Generally this person has several other duties and wears “multiple hats”, making it difficult for them to stay current with HR business practices and compliance requirements. In many companies, HR duties are the responsibility of the owner, which is generally not a good use of their valuable executive business time.
Your compensation and fringe benefit programs must be competitive and you must realign your practices to focus more on employee communication and education
It is a full scope assessment of your payroll, benefits, Safety and administrative policies and procedures. We focus first on compliance and then suggestions for best practices. As a result of the Audit you get a detailed summary, suggestions for compliance and significant resources from our HR library of materials customized and tailored to your organization. We are able to help create a customized approach to assist you in your tactical/Administrative HR tasks as well as helping your organization become more self-sufficient in areas you may not have felt comfortable in before.
Our Strategy
The first meeting
Position descriptions
Preparing proper descriptions of the job positions is essential for any company. The Human Resources department must have the necessary training to analyse, describe and assess each of the job positions within the company
The second meeting
Position evaluation
The terminology related to Human Resources is extensive. The job position evaluation is part of it. Melt Group uses this tool in the framework of developing strategic projects for our clients. What we achieve with this service is to assess the real weight of the employee in the company, analysing various factors previously agreed with the company. The best of all is that this is customized in order to improve business benefits.
The final meeting
Professional career plans
In our Strategic Human Resources Consultancy, we offer our clients services based on quality and excellence. Designing professional career plans for employees in a company is key for retaining talent and avoiding unwanted resignations